Saturday, October 25, 2008

Problems with @Test annotations with AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests.

I've recently been writing tests, most of which use the Junit @Test ( annotations to identify the methods for testing as junit tests. This works really well, and also allows me to use other great annotations like @Before.

However I decided I needed to do some integration testing of my DAOs with the database. So, to do this, I took advantage of Spring's AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests class (

This is great, however, I noticed that all of my test annotations for classes extended AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests were being ignored. This means that tests that were named "testExample" would run, but those named "doTestExample" would not - even if annotated. More to the point, something called "testExample" would run as a test even if not annotated.

The reason soon became clear. AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests extends the Junit.Framework.TestCase class. Now JUnit4 and JUnit3 tests really should not be mixed and they don't go together. So, because I'm extending TestCase (although I don't really want to), I need to go back to old fashioned Junit Tests, without test annotations. This is commented, briefly in:

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